Antigua Balanced at the elbow of the West Indies and the Caribbean Sea, Antigua is a popular escape that advertises a different beach for every day of the year. That's right - 365! Some stretch long and wide to accommodate hundreds of tourists while others are mere tiny arcs of sand in little hidden out-of-the-way private coves. It may take some adventurous exploration (and jeep rental) to reach those spots, but the quiet calm and tranquil waters will be worth the drive. Now an independent country, Antigua was once the centre of England's colonial empire in the Caribbean. Lofty forts built among the palm trees protected British commercial vessels in the deep anchorage of English Bay; they stand today as a reminder of the riches gleaned from the island's sugar plantations. * Nationality - Independent * Language - English * Currency EC Dollar * Approx exchange - 2.70 EC to $1 U.S. * Air Service - most major carriers/charters & LIAT